Social Security Optimization Tools

Social Security Optimization Tools

Looking forward to sharing with you about Social Security optimization. So what are the ways that you can ultimately maximize Social Security for your benefit? So there’s different tools that we have available to us where we need to understand sort of what your full retirement age benefit looks like. And ultimately then what that number is. What age do you think you may be retiring and wanting to draw that? And then ultimately the sad part of this is knowing when do you anticipate dying? Obviously, that’s something nobody knows. But in order to run these projections and calculate your cumulative benefits over time, those are different pieces of information that are needed to plug into the system. So maybe it’s starting at age 62 or maybe you wait until age 70. You’ll see on your benefits that between that timeframe they double if you delay your Social Security benefits until age 70. But again, what’s going to be the best option for you? That’s going to vary. In order to calculate these different comparisons, again it comes back to how long are you going to live? A lot of times people will say well, my parents lived until this age or grandparents. And we found that a general rule is about one-third of that may come into play, but about two-thirds of that is ultimately going to be your retirement lifestyle. So what your health looks like. And you know, are you staying active and staying fit and everything throughout your years? Some of the other things that you want to be factoring into Social Security optimization is are you still working? Is it something where I’ve seen a lot of folks where they maybe retire from the career that they had and now they’re maybe working somewhere part-time in those years maybe from in their 60s upwards to mid-60s or maybe 70 years old. So what does that look like? Are you retired, but maybe you’re wanting to delay Social Security? So in the meantime where are you going to draw income from? Because again, you need to cover the costs of living during that timeframe and what does that do because you want to be very careful not to draw down all of those different retirement assets in order to build up your Social Security cash flow. So again, with Social Security there’s a lot of different pieces and it’s just one piece of your overall retirement income plan. And so that’s where we’d encourage you to give us a call. We’d love to sit down with you for no cost, no obligation visit just to better understand, you know what you’re trying to accomplish. What are those goals that you have and how is Social Security ultimately going to play a role in your retirement income.