Services Provided by Centennial Wealth Advisory

Services Provided by Centennial Wealth Advisory

I’d like to share the different services provided by Centennial Wealth Advisory. So I’ve been with the company now for 17 years and I’ve seen that list of services grow. And that’s something that I’d like to walk through with you. So the key one that I’d like to bring up is this team approach. So when we’re looking at whether it’s income planning, investment planning, tax planning, estate planning, insurance planning, we have a team here at Centennial Wealth Advisory that we work together to help accomplish all those different areas. When it comes to the money management side, there’s a number of different passive versus active investment strategies. So passive meaning maybe you set a certain percentage that’s equities. A certain percentage that’s bonds and you just follow that path versus maybe more of an active approach. Which is one where you have different money managers that are looking at what’s currently happening in the economy, currently happening in the stock market and perhaps adjusting the portfolio. So increasing equity exposure when there’s growth and when recessions or retractions occuring, maybe they’re reducing that equity exposure. What about an income plan? That’s one where we’re diving into what is Social Security and helping to determine when to draw Social Security. Maybe evaluating a different pension plan or annuities that have income streams attached to them. Maybe coming up with a idea of how to structure your investments to take withdrawals and along with that factor in how is inflation going to impact your overall retirement? Tax planning is another key area here of looking at IRA withdrawals, what impact that’s going to have on you. Maybe looking at Roth conversions, how’s that going to factor into your plan, as well as maybe qualified charitable distributions when you’re going to be at that stage of 72 or higher and taking required minimum distributions. How are ways to maybe see some of those funds go to different charities? Insurance planning, we have a team of different licensed insurance Agents that are going to assist whether that’s health insurance or life insurance or annuities. All of those different areas that come into the insurance world. So our mission here at Centennial Wealth Advisory is ultimately we don’t want you to ever feel like you’re on your own. There’s a team here to support you and to come up with a overall retirement plan that covers all of these different areas from income to investments to taxes to estate planning, insurance planning. All of those come together as a cohesive unit. And ultimately our mission is to help you plan to retire well.